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September 08, 2008


Bobby Wallace

Tom & Nick..

Never have I wished that I was someone else's brother until now...you guys are awesome!

I have watched "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch 6 different times either on 20/20 or Youtube...it has probably motivated me more than anything since I saw Jimmy Valvano's last speech (Don't ever give up!) and I personally feel that it should be mandatory that any new father should be made to watch before leaving the hospital with their newborn child!

Life is short..your message to your kids is perfect and will live in their memory long after you are gone..which makes your "future value" to them, just like the advice that Randy Pausch left.....priceless!

Even though I have carried a "Tigger" in my pocket every day since I first saw "The Last Lecture" thanks for the reminder!

I appreciate you,

Bobby Wallace
Charleston, SC

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