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August 20, 2008


Rob Minton


Great question! I would probably recommend really evaluating and qualifying the tenant/buyer based upon their monthly income, job stability, personal references and an analysis of their monthly cash flow. If they aren't qualified for your home, I would probably pass on the large upfront payment and wait for a qualified tenant. Now, the larger upfront payment does help in the evaluation process. If they are close to qualifying for your property, I would then take this large upfront payment into consideration. Otherwise, it would be no deal for me!

I hope this helps!
Rob Minton

Chris Hobel

Rob, what's your feelings on down payments paid on a property that is either 100% financed or partially financed? ex: your asking $9000 deposit and you find out the money they gave to you was sourced from a 3rd party and they are making repayments on that or it was partially funded- $4500 from them and the other financed. In a hi priced area say LONG ISLAND NY do think 10% deposit is too much-and when is cash not always king?


chriztoffer Hobel

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